Music Haven by the numbers.
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Noteworthy - January 2025
23/24 Impact Report
24/25 Program Book
Music Haven's Impact: By the Numbers
The objectives of our program are not only audible in the recital hall — they are about long-term well-being and success: our goal is for our students to graduate with the confidence, persistence, patience, and social competencies that they develop by learning an instrument from and being mentored by an exceptional teacher over many years, and for their sense of agency and community to be enriched in the process. They take on the challenge, work hard, and excel, not only defying their own initial doubts and expectations, but also defying stereotypes and broadening their own horizons. We are inclusive, focused on making a difference, and grounded in our community.
What we provide for our students, free of cost:
Instruments and supplies
Concert trips
Weekly one-on-one lessons
Weekly group classes
Workshops and guest artists
One-on-one mentoring of each student by a professional Resident Musician
Homework Help
Ensembles (chamber orchestra and student quartets)
All teaching by conservatory-trained professional musicians with master’s degrees
Important facts about our work:
Program Attendance Rate
Concerts and Recitals Last Year
Program Retention Rate
Youth Impact
Music Haven uses a variety of evaluation tools to measure our students’ progress and success, including:
Youth Feedback Forms
Parent Feedback Forms
“Music Haven has been a life-changing experience for me, taking me from a life of confusion to a life of discipline and knowledge. Here, adults help you push past your limits to achieve your goals and reach your potential.”
Teacher Feedback Forms
Bi-annual Juries
Recordings of public student performances
Performing in the Community.
Number of concerts/recitals performed by our students and resident musicians last year.
Check out the way Music Haven has impacted our community
Of Music Haven students attended free concerts.
Estimated number of people who tried string instruments for the first time at an “instrument petting zoo.”
Estimated number of people who saw Music Haven’s musicians — students and HSQ - in concert last year.
Age range of people who tried instruments for the first time at an “instrument petting zoo.”
Music Haven’s musicians perform in every corner of the city and beyond. Over the years, we have created arts experiences for countless people in the New Haven community.
Annual Evaluation Results.
Each year all Music Haven students and parents/guardians complete comprehensive program evaluations that help us measure our impact on crucial non-cognitive skills that research has found are key to long-term academic and career success.
Check out the story on NPR >
To download our 2023-2024 Impact Report click here.
Here's what our parents said at the end of our programming years…
Social Competence
Said their child is “comfortable working in a group / team setting”
Said their child is “comfortable connecting to and working with adults”
Said their child “notices when other people are having a hard time”
Of parents said “it’s easy for their child to talk to new people”
Said their child is “good at planning ahead”
Said their child is “patient when learning new things”
Said their child “thinks about choices before making decisions”
Disagreed with the statement that “when things get tough, my child tends to gives up.”
Said of their child “when facing difficult tasks, my child is confident he/she will accomplish them”
Said of their child “my child believes he/she can succed at most any goal he/she sets”
Said of their child “even when things are tough, my child can perform very well”
Said of their child “my child is motivated to work harder at the things he/she wants to accomplish”